(Full list: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mcPJJw0AAAAJ&hl=en)
Under Review:
- M. Alipour, Y. Li, H. Liu, A. A. Pahlavan, “Diffusiophoretic transport of colloids in porous media”, 2024 (arXiv link).
- Y. Qiu,L. Cueto-Felgueroso, A. A. Pahlavan, B. Primkulov, R. Juanes, “Phase-field modeling of two-phase displacement in a capillary tube”, 2024.
- H. Liu, A. A. Pahlavan, “Diffusioosmotic reversal of colloidal focusing direction in a microfluidic T-junction”, Physical Review Letters, 2025 (arXiv link).
- A. A. Pahlavan, “The soil plastisphere: the nexus of microplastics, bacteria, and biofilms”, Interpore Journal, 2024 (Invited Commentary, Front Cover).
- S. McBride, S. Atis, A. A. Pahlavan, K. Varanasi, “Crystal Patterning from Aqueous Solutions via Solutal Instabilities”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024.
- P. R. Kaneelil, J. P. de Souza , G¨. Turk , A. A. Pahlavan , H. A. Stone, “Triboelectrically mediated self-assembly, trapping, and control of drops at an interface”, Soft Matter, 2024 (arXiv link).
- D. Li, Z. Yang, A. A. Pahlavan, R. Zhang, R. Hu, and Y-F. Chen, “Stability transition in gap expansion-driven interfacial flow”, Physical Review Letters, 2024.
- M. S. Yousafzai, S. Amiri, Z. G. Sun, A. A. Pahlavan, M. Murrell, “Tissue Confinement Induces Retrograde Convective Cellular Flows”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2024.
- Y. Li , Y. Chen , S. Liu , Y. Li , H. A Stone, A. A. Pahlavan , S. Granick, “Volatile droplets on water are sculpted by vigorous Marangoni-driven subphase flow”, Langmuir, 2023.
- B. K. Primkulov, A. A. Pahlavan, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, R. Juanes, “Motion of a viscous slug on heterogeneous surfaces: crossover from stick–slip to steady sliding”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2023.
- L. Yang, A. A. Pahlavan, H. A. Stone, C. D. Bain, “Evaporation of alcohol droplets on surfaces in moist air”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023.
- J. L. Wilson , A. A. Pahlavan , M. Erinin , C. Duprat , L. Deike, H. A. Stone, ”Aerodynamic interactions of drops on parallel fibers: alignment, repulsion and coalescence”, Nature Physics, 2023. (also Highlighted in Research Briefing by J. L. Wilson and A. A. Pahlavan )
- Y. Qiu, K. Xu, A. A. Pahlavan, R. Juanes, Wetting transition and fluid trapping in a microfluidic fracture, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023.
- Y. Li , A. A. Pahlavan , Y. Chen , S. Liu , Y. Li , H. A Stone, S. Granick, Oil-on-Water Droplets Faceted and Stabilized by Vortex Halos in the Subphase, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2023.
- M. A. Herrada, A. Ponce-Torres, P. R. Kaneelil, A. A. Pahlavan, H. A. Stone, and J. M. Montanero, Effect of a soluble surfactant on the linear stability of two-phase flows in a finite-length channel, Physical Review Fluids, 2022.
- P. R. Kaneelil, A. A. Pahlavan, N. Xue, and H. A. Stone, Three-dimensional self-similarity of coalescing viscous drops in the thin-film regime, Physical Review Letters, 2022.
- P. R. Kaneelil, A. A. Pahlavan, M. A. Herrada, K. LeRoy, K. Stengel, S. Warner, A. M. Galea, and H. A. Stone, Symmetry breaking of a parallel two-phase flow in a finite length channel, Physical Review Fluids, 2022.
- A. A. Pahlavan, L. Yang, C. D. Bain, H. A. Stone, Evaporation of binary-mixture liquid droplets: picoliter pancakes, Physical Review Letters, 2021. (Editors’ Suggestion, Featured in Physics)
- B. K. Primkulov, A. A. Pahlavan, X. Fu, B. Zhao, C. W. MacMinn, R. Juanes, Wettability and Lenormand’s diagram, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021.
- P. de Anna, A. A. Pahlavan, Y. Yawata, R. Stocker, R. Juanes, Chemotaxis under flow disorder shapes microbial dispersion in porous media, Nature Physics, 2021.
- F. Yang, A. A. Pahlavan, S. Mendez, M. Abkarian, H. A. Stone, Towards improved social distancing guidelines: Space and time dependence of virus transmission from speech-driven aerosol transport between two individuals, Physical Review Fluids, 2020. (Editors’ Suggestion, Rapid Communication)
- N. B. Lu, A. A. Pahlavan, C. A. Browne, D. B. Amchin, H. A. Stone, S. S. Datta, Forced Imbibition in Stratified Porous Media, Physical Review Applied, 2020.
- B. K. Primkulov, J. Y. Y. Chui, A. A. Pahlavan, C. W. MacMinn, R. Juanes, Characterizing dissipation in fluid–fluid displacement using constant-rate spontaneous imbibition, Physical Review Letters, 2020.
- C. Kurzthaler, L. Zhu, A. A. Pahlavan, H. A. Stone, Particle motion nearby rough surfaces, Physical Review Fluids , 2020. (Rapid Communication)
- B. K. Primkulov, A. A. Pahlavan, L. Bourouiba, J. W. M. Bush, R. Juanes, Spin coating of capillary tubes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2020.
- A. A. Pahlavan, H. A. Stone, G. H. McKinley, R. Juanes, Restoring universality to the pinch-off of a bubble, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.
- B. K. Primkulov, A. A. Pahlavan, X. Fu, B. Zhao, C. W. MacMinn, R. Juanes, Signatures of fluid–fluid displacement in porous media: wettability, patterns and pressures, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Rapids), 2019.
- B. Zhao, A. A. Pahlavan, L Cueto-Felgueroso, R Juanes, Forced wetting transition and bubble pinch-off in a capillary tube, Physical Review Letters, 2018.
- A. A. Pahlavan, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, A. E. Hosoi, G. H. McKinley, R Juanes, Thin films in partial wetting: Stability, dewetting and coarsening, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018.
- A. A. Pahlavan, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, G. H. McKinley, R. Juanes, Thin films in partial wetting: internal selection of contact-line dynamics, Physical Review Letters, 2015. (Featured in Physics)
- B. Ezhilan, A. A. Pahlavan, D. Saintillan, Chaotic dynamics and oxygen transport in thin films of aerotactic bacteria, Physics of Fluids, 2012.
- A. A. Pahlavan, J. B. Freund, Effect of solid properties on slip at a fluid-solid interface, Physical Review E., 2011.
- A. A. Pahlavan, D. Saintillan, Instability regimes in flowing suspensions of swimming micro-organisms, Physics of Fluids, 2011.